Mike Bifulco

#edX: 2 posts tagged

Edx Comprehensive Theming Tutorial

July 28, 2016

Cover slide: Edx Comprehensive Theming tutorial, by Mike Bifulco

A talk I gave at Stanford University in 2016 on Comprehensive Theming for Open EdX.

Slides are available on Slideshare

Gymnasium - Building the plane while flying it

October 27, 2015

(My part starts at 13m47s, but you should watch the whole thing!)

This is a talk I gave during Open Edx Conf 2016 with my colleagues, comrades, and brothers in arms Andrew Miller and Jeremy Osborn, talking about how we built Gymnasium while actively experimenting with formulas for an effective MOOC.

© 2019-2021 Mike Bifulco
Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.
Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Google. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.