Mike Bifulco

#YouTube: 2 posts tagged

Driving a successful launch for Conversational Actions

October 01, 2021

From Google I/O 2021: In this session, we (I) discuss marketing activities that help users discover and engage with what you’ve built on Google Assistant, as well as some updates to monetization features for Conversational Actions.

Push dynamic shortcuts to Assistant

May 19, 2021

From my work as a Developer Advocate on the Google Assistant team, this tutorial explains the difference between shortcuts and dynamic shortcuts for Android, and how to use Assistant to take advantage of this functionality.

© 2019-2021 Mike Bifulco
Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.
Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Google. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.